

Once upon a time, there were two very bright stars in the sky, the Sun and the Wind. They were always competing with each other, trying to outshine each other. One day, the Sun decided to prove that it was the most powerful force in the sky. It gathered all its warmth and light and began to shine brightly, hoping to dazzle the Wind.

The Wind, however, was not impressed. It saw the Sun's attempt and just smiled, knowing that it could do much more than just shine. So it gathered all its strength and blew as hard as it could, hoping to daze the Sun.

But the Sun was unfazed by the Wind's attempt. It simply continued to shine brightly, undeterred by the strong winds. The Wind, however, could not ignore such a challenge and decided to try something new.

It gathered all its energy and blew a gentle breeze, which seemed to calm the Sun down. The Sun realized that it had been overdoing it and needed to learn to cooperate with others. So it agreed to work with the Wind, realizing that they could complement each other's strengths.

From then on, the Sun and the Wind worked together, each giving their unique power to each other, making the sky more beautiful. They learned that in order to truly excel, they needed to collaborate and respect each other's differences.

