

* 祝你天天擁有笑意,常常擁有好運,夜夜睡個好覺!

Wishing you a day filled with smiles, nights filled with good luck, and dreams filled with peace.

* 祝你一帆風順,雙喜臨門,三羊開泰,四季平安,五福臨門,六六大順,七星高照,八方來財,九九同心,十全十美日。

Wishing you all the happiness of the world, double happiness, triple prosperity, and all the luck in the world. May your days be filled with joy and success.

* 願你所有的煩惱都被風帶走,所有的快樂都被你帶走。

May all your troubles be blown away by the wind and all your happiness stay with you.

* 祝你天天好心情!

Wishing you a day filled with sunshine!

* 願你的生活充滿陽光,幸福永駐!

May your life be filled with sunshine and happiness forever!

* 祝你身體健康,萬事如意!

Wishing you good health and happiness always!

* 祝你新年快樂,萬事如意!

Wishing you a happy new year filled with joy and success!

