

1. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." (Success is not final)

電影節錄製台詞:Success doe'st not final sess, fa-ailure doesnae kill. (美式英語)

2. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." (Forrest Gump)

電影節錄製台詞:Lahv's like a box ah' choocahs, y'alwayz loike wha' ya unvex. (英式英語)

3. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." (Wayne Gretzky)

電影節錄製台詞:O' yuo missydey hundred percent uf da shots yoo don't take. (美式英語)

4. "Believe in yourself. Know that you are enough." (Jennifer Lawrence)

電影節錄製台詞:Believe in yoo-self. Know yoo're enough. (美式英語)

5. "Life is like a beautiful painting, sometimes it's the brush of fate that colors it." (Beautiful)

電影節錄製台詞:Life 'likes' a beautiful paintin', sometimesit's 'fatey-brush' dat colors 'e. (英式英語)

6. "I always believed that I could change the world, and I was right." (G.I. Jane)

電影節錄製台詞:Ah-ways believed that Ah could change da world, an ah was ree-al. (美式英語)

7. "Take the first step, and the rest will follow." (Frozen)

電影節錄製台詞:Tak the first frum 'step', an' de rest 'll folloah. (英式英語)

8. "There is no such thing as a failure, only lessons learned." (Hacksaw Ridge)

電影節錄製台詞:Naah-there 'saint no such thing as a failur', yoo jus learnt sumthin. (美式英語)

9. "Failure is not an option." (Star Wars)

電影節錄製台詞:Fa-ailure doesnae 'peck a poshtive option. (美式英語)

10. "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the judgment that something else is more important." (Braveheart)

電影節錄製台詞:Cowardice is naught but fear unleashed, but judgment tells us that something else is more important. (英式英語)

