

1. "生存還是毀滅,這是個問題。" - Whether to live or die, it's a question.

2. "人間戲劇,你方唱罷我登場。" - Human life is like a play, where one actor after another performs and then leaves the stage while others take their place.

3. "世界就是一個舞台,我們都是演員,只是有些人在台上,有些人落幕後才被看見。" - The world is a stage, and we are all actors, some of us are on stage, and others are only seen after the curtain falls.

4. "真相就像鑽石一樣,需要時間才能顯現其光彩。" - The truth is like a diamond, it takes time to reveal its sparkle.

5. "人生就像是一匹不知道要去哪裡的小馬,盲目地奔跑著。" - Life is like a unicorn running blindly without knowing where to go.

6. "愛情就像是疾病一樣,總是在不經意間就降臨了。" - Love is like a disease that often comes unexpectedly.

