1. "Words are my weapons, and my shield."(言語是我的武器,我的盾牌。)
2. "All that glisters is not gold; nor all that gorgeous clothes appear, Golden still lies within."(閃閃發光的不一定都是金子,榮光煥發的也不一定都是勇士。依然有金子在內心。)
3. "Beauty, wit, courage, and resolution, without speaking of course or fortune, make a man the most precious substance in the world."(我們說的勇氣並不是指假裝的勇氣。「美德、智慧、勇氣加上命運的寵愛」構成了一個人最寶貴的財富。)
4. "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."(世上本無所謂善惡,思想使然。)
5. "There is a time for all things."(凡事皆有定時。)
6. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune."(世界上的事,有高潮就有低潮,懂未雨綢繆的人才會好運常在。)