Ode to the Setting Sun
Oh, setting sun, you fade away,
Your rays no longer bright and clear,
Yet still your memory lingers on,
A moment of beauty that never fades.
As you sink into the western sky,
The world comes to a quiet pause,
A gentle breeze blows through the air,
A gentle melody in the evening air.
As the sun slowly sinks below the horizon,
The world seems to hold its breath,
A moment of peace and tranquility,
A moment of beauty that cannot be replaced.
Yet as you fade into the darkening sky,
We bid farewell to another day,
And hope that tomorrow will be better,
With sunshine and happiness all around.
So let us bid farewell to the setting sun,
A moment of beauty that cannot be undone,
And let us cherish every moment of our lives,
For it is these moments that make life worth living.