

1. 勇氣是衡量靈魂大小的試金石。(Bravery is the touchstone of soul size.)

2. 無論前路如何坎坷,我們都要勇往直前。(No importa qué dificultades que surjan, sigamos avanzando.)

3. 只要心懷夢想,就能看到星光。(As long as you have a dream, you can see stars.)

4. 只有自己能成就自己。(Only oneself can achieve oneself.)

5. 挫折是成功的磨石,能將你雕刻得更加完美。(Setbacks are the abrasive that polishes you into a more perfect version of yourself.)

6. 成功的秘訣就是勇於嘗試,並在失敗中學習。(The secret of success is to have the courage to try and learn from failure.)

7. 每一天都是新的開始,要勇於面對生活。(Every day is a new beginning, be brave in facing life.)

