

1. "Design is not just what it looks like, it's how it works." - Steve Jobs

2. "Good design is both simple and complex, hiding nothing and revealing all." - Dieter Rams

3. "Design is not just what it looks like, it's how it makes you feel." - Fritz Haegel

4. "The best designers are not those who simply invent their own language, but those who invent a language that others can understand." - Ralph Lauren

5. "Design is not just what it looks like, design is how it works and what it does." - Norman Foster

6. "The secret of good design is simplicity. The secret of great design is knowing when to add complexity." - Robin Page

7. "Good design is both elegant and purposeful, beautiful and useful." - William McDonough

8. "Design is how we make a better world." - Milton Glaser

9. "Design is a language that everyone understands." - John Maeda

10. "Design is a way of seeing, it's a way of understanding and experiencing the world." - Michael Bierut

