

1. 一切皆有可能。 Anything is possible.

2. 堅持就是勝利。 Persistence is victory.

3. 失敗是成功之母。 Failure is the mother of success.

4. 知識就是力量。 Knowledge is power.

5. 千里之行,始於足下。 The first step in a long journey starts with taking a single step.

6. 人無遠慮,必有近憂。 Those who do not plan for the distant future will surely have immediate concerns.

7. 知己知彼,百戰不殆。 Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never fight a hundred battles.

8. 誠信為人之本。 Integrity is the foundation of human relations.

9. 勇敢面對困難,勇往直前。 Face difficulties bravely and move forward resolutely.

10. 團結就是力量。 Unity is strength.

