

1. Modesty and humility are the true honors of a noble character. 謙虛和謙遜是高尚品格的真正榮譽。

2. The greater a man is, the more humbly he must speak. 人越偉大,越有學問,就越要謙虛。

3. Humility is the best policy. 謙虛使人進步。

4. Modesty and humility are the keys to success. 謙虛和謙遜是成功的鑰匙。

5. It is better to wear a world-weary than a proud look. 寧可顯得胸襟寬大,也不要驕傲自滿。

6. I am only one, one among a countless host of others. 我只是眾多中的一員。

7. A person who boasts is unpopular, and a person of humility is respected. 愛出風頭的人雖易遭人厭煩,但謙遜的人卻受人尊敬。

8. The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. 我們生活中最大的榮耀不在於從不跌倒,而在於每次跌倒後都能爬起來。

