

1. Reading is the greatest joy.祝你讀書快樂。

2. Wish you a wonderful time of reading and many valuable discoveries.祝你閱讀愉快,收穫滿滿。

3. May your bookshelf always be filled with exciting stories that inspire and uplift. 願你的書架上總是擺滿令人興奮的故事,激勵你,使你心曠神怡。

4. May the pages of books open new doors and guide you to a brighter future.願書中的篇章為你開啟新的大門,引導你走向更光明的未來。

5. Reading brings knowledge and understanding, may you enjoy the journey.讀書能帶來智慧和理解的時光,願你享受閱讀的旅程。

6. May your time spent reading be filled with enlightenment and joy.祝你閱讀的時間充滿啟發和快樂。
