* 願你在豬的一年裡平安健康,事事如意! [Pig Year] Wishing you peace, health, and happiness throughout the year of the Pig, and all the best in everything!
* 願你的生活如豬年般紅紅火火,快樂無比! May your life be as red-hot as the prosperity of the Pig Year and filled with unparalleled joy!
* 願你如同小豬般健健康康,快快樂樂,圓圓滿滿! Wishing you a lifetime of good health and happiness, filled with plenty and success, like a little pig!
* 願你在豬的一年裡大展鴻圖,事事如意! May you achieve all your goals and ambitions in the year of the Pig, and may everything go your way!