

1. 「祝賀你順利退休,希望你在晚年生活中享受無盡的快樂!」

"Congratulations on your retirement successfully, hope you enjoy endless happiness in your later life!"

2. 「願你的退休生活如同靜謐的湖面,平靜又充滿歡樂!」

"May your retirement life be like a calm lake, calm and full of joy!"

3. 「恭喜你結束職業生涯,祝你未來的日子充滿幸福和滿足!」

"Congratulations on ending your career, wish you a future filled with happiness and fulfillment!"

4. 「退休了,但你的熱情和愛心永不退休,祝你晚年生活幸福美滿!」

"Retired, but your passion and kindness never retire, wish you a happy and fulfilling life in your later years!"

5. 「願你在退休後找到更多時間和朋友一起享受生活!」

"May you find more time to enjoy life with friends after retirement!"
