

* May the joy of your life spread to all your friends.* 願你生活中的快樂,感染到你所有的朋友。

* Wishing you a sparkling future filled with success and happiness.* 祝你前程似錦,幸福美滿。

* Take care, and all will be well. I'll be here for you when you need me.* 保重,一切都會好起來的。當你需要我的時候,我會在這裡陪著你。

* Hope your travel causes you no pain, but pleasure. May all your dreams and wishes come true.* 希望你的旅行不會讓你感到痛苦,而是給你帶來快樂。願你所有的夢想和願望都能實現。

* Goodbye, wishing you a future filled with success and happiness.* 再見了,願你未來充滿成功和幸福。

* Wishing you a bright future filled with joy and success.* 祝你未來充滿歡樂和成功。

