

* 自助者天助之。 If you will it, it is no dream.

* 歷史,就象一條大河,它有時流到寬闊的海洋,有時流到窄細的深淵。 History is a river, sometimes flowing into broad and sunlit plains, sometimes into dark and troubled depths.

* 世界歷史是不同國家的人民創造的。 World history is made by people of different countries.

* 只有那些勇敢鎮定的人,才能熬過黑暗,迎來光明。 Only those who are brave and steadfast can endure the darkness and welcome the light.

* 世界就是這樣,你有力量,就有權利。 The world is like this, you have the strength, you have the right.

* 戰爭中的事變令人困惑不解。 In war, things always happen that are hard to understand.

