
The story of the Golden Axe and Silver Axe in English:


He was very excited and thought to himself: "I must be very lucky to find two such valuable axes in one day."

However, he also realized that he had a hard time lifting the two axes, and decided to share them with the local king.


The king was very pleased with the news and not only kept the golden axe for the royal collection, but also gave the poor樵夫 some silver axes and gold bars as a reward.


Once upon a time there was a poor樵夫 who went to the forest every day to chop wood. One day, while he was sawing wood, he found a golden axe and a silver axe.

He was very excited and thought to himself: "I must be very lucky to find two such valuable axes in one day." However, he also realized that he had a hard time lifting the two axes, and decided to share them with the local king.

The king heard about this and was very pleased. He not only kept the golden axe for himself, but also gave the poor樵夫 some silver axes and gold bars as a reward.

