

1. "生きてるのはそれだけが大事なんだ。" (I'm just saying that surviving is the most important thing.)

2. "結婚すると、涙が出るのよ。涙が出るなんて、あれは男の弱さなんだ。" (When you get married, you'll cry. It's like crying because it's weakness of men.)

3. "明日の事を見失わないように、今を大切にすればいい。" (To avoid losing tomorrow, we must cherish today.)

4. "命は頑張ることのなるものだ。" (Life is what you make of it. You can make it through anything if you try.)

5. "ただ、一人ぼっちでは生きていけない。" (I can't survive alone.)

6. "人間の心は弱くて、強くなんかない。" (Human hearts are weak and they can't be strong.)

7. "真実は、ただの理想にとどまらない。" (The truth never stops at mere ideals.)

