

1. 「恭喜你新店開張!祝你的生意蒸蒸日上!」

Congratulations on your new business opening! May your business thrive and grow daily!

2. 「祝賀你成功開設新店!願你的生意紅紅火火!」

Congratulations on your successful opening of a new business! May your business be as red-hot as fire!

3. 「新店開業,大吉大利!祝你的生意越來越好!」

New business opening, good luck and prosperity! May your business get better and better!

4. 「祝賀你邁向成功的新一步!願你的店鋪成為你的財富源泉!」

Congratulations on taking the next step towards success! May your store become a source of wealth for you!

5. 「新店開業,萬事如意!祝你的店鋪財源廣進!」

New business opening, all things go well! May your store see a influx of wealth!
