* 閨蜜就是,即使我穿著無袖的衣服,也會要求你披上外套。 Best friend is like a double-breasted jacket, even if I wear it, I will ask you to wear a coat.
* 閨蜜就是你越是遷就她,她就越是得寸進尺的女人。 Best friend is the woman who is more and more unreasonable as you accommodate her.
* 閨蜜就是你越是沒心沒肺地說話,她就越是聽得津津有味的女人。 Best friend is the woman who listens to you attentively while you speak without any heart and face.
* 閨蜜就是你最醜的時候願意伴你一起醜,你美了,她也跟著美了。 Best friend is the one who stays by your side when you are ugliest and looks ugliest together, and when you become beautiful, she also becomes beautiful.
* 閨蜜就是坐在一起即使我說的前言不搭後語,你也懂,即使什麼也不說,也不會感到尷尬。 Best friend is the one who sits together and understands even if what I say is unrelated.
* 閨蜜就是你最失落的時候,一直在你身邊安慰勸解的人。 Best friend is the one who is by your side comforting and counseling when you are most disappointed.