阿諾德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)的名言有:
1. "The greatest preparation for the future is to live your present responsibly."(為未來做最充分的準備就是負責任地生活於現在。)。
2. "It is not the amount of money in your pocket that determines your success, but the amount of desire and effort in your mind."(決定你成功的不是口袋裡有多少鈔票,而是頭腦里的欲望和努力。)。
3. "It is never too late to change your life."(改變生活永遠不會嫌晚。)。
4. "Set your goals high, and if they are out of reach, you may be surprised to find out that you have just taken a big step towards reaching them."(把目標定得高一些,如果太高而無法實現,那麼你可能會驚訝地發現你已經朝著實現目標邁出了很大的一步。)