1. "我乃陰陽師,汝等妖邪,豈能逃脫吾之手掌心!"(I am a陰陽師, you wicked spirits, how can you escape from my grasp?)
2. "汝等妖邪,今日必死無疑!"(You wicked spirits, today you will surely die!)
3. "以我之陰陽之力,定讓汝等灰飛煙滅!"(With my Yin Yang power, I will make sure that you are annihilated into nothingness!)
4. "汝等需知,一切皆有定數,吾等陰陽師,自當守護世間平衡!"(You must understand that everything has a predetermined fate, and we, as Yin Yang sorcerers, are responsible for maintaining the balance in this world!)
5. "此乃汝等罪孽,唯有消滅之,方可換得世間安寧!"(This is your sin, only by eliminating it can we bring peace to this world!)
6. "生死輪迴,因果報應,汝等當知,一切皆有定數!"(The cycle of life and death, the cause and effect, you must understand that everything has a predetermined outcome!)