

* Wishing you a beautiful journey and bright future ahead. May all the best things surround you. Farewell. 祝你旅途愉快,未來充滿光明。願一切美好縈繞著你。再見。

* Take care, stay safe, and always remember that there's a piece of paper that says we're family, even if we are miles apart. 保重,要小心,永遠記住,有一張紙寫著我們是家人,即使我們遠隔千里。

* Take care and stay healthy. May your memories of me bring a smile to your face when we are apart. 請保重,身體健康。願我們分別的回憶能帶給你歡笑。

* Take care now, and I'll see you soon. 保重,期待不久的相聚。

* May all the best things come to you, and may our paths cross again someday. 願所有美好都屬於你,願我們有一天能再次相遇。

* Take my best wishes with you wherever you go. Farewell. 無論你去何地,請帶上我最好的祝福。再見。

* Wishing you peace, happiness and good luck, even though we are far apart. 雖然我們遠隔千里,但祝福你平安、幸福、好運。

* May all the wonderful memories of our time together stay with you forever. Farewell. 我們在一起的的美好回憶,願它們永遠留在你的心中。再見。

