* 離別時,祝你旅途愉快。
Wishing you a pleasant journey, while saying goodbye.
* 願你前程似錦,再見亦是朋友。
Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors. May we meet again as friends.
* 願你走出萬里,歸來仍是少年。
May you travel a thousand miles and return a young man.
* 願你走出半生,歸來仍是少年;願你浮盡一生,白鬢如新。
May you emerge from half a lifetime and still be a young man when you return. May you spend your life in a world of gray, and when you are old and gray, you will still be the same person.
* 願你此行平安,早日歸來。
May you travel safely and return soon.
* 再見,願你前程似錦。
Goodbye, wishing you all the best in your future endeavors.