

* 離別時,只有真誠的祝福,才能表達心中的不捨。祝你一路順風,前程似錦。[Recipient's Name]

* 願你走出萬里,歸來仍是少年。Good luck and safe journey!

* 願你前程無量,幸福安康。May all your future travels bring you endless joy and health.

* 願你繼續勇敢地追求夢想,無論身在何處。May your journey always lead you to pursue your dreams with courage and determination.

* 願你此行平安,一切順利。Safe travels and all the best in your journey.

* 願你早日重逢,再見時依然如故。May you meet again soon, and feel the same when you see each other again.

請根據實際情況替換「Recipient's Name」,以便更準確地表達祝福。
