

1. "藝術的目標始終是按照各民族可能的範圍,用一種高尚、理想化的、詩意的感情來表達理想。"

中譯:The aim of art is always to express ideals in a noble, idealized, poetic manner within the limits possible for each nation.

2. "勇敢不在於永不懼怕,而在於在恐懼面前不退縮。」

中譯:Bravery is not about never being afraid, but about not backing down in the face of fear.

3. "只有勇敢堅強的人才能有巨大的勇氣樂觀的人,而上世紀的任何一種偉大的文學成就,都需要樂觀主義的信念。"

中譯:Only those who are brave and strong can have great courage and optimism, and any great literary achievement in the last century requires optimism based on belief.

4. "在絕對正確的情況下,我願意做任何事情。"

中譯:I'm willing to do anything under the condition of absolute correctness.

5. "藝術應該為人類的幸福而存在。"

中譯:Art should exist for the happiness of humanity.
