
靈異故事(Ghost Stories)是一種神秘而令人感興趣的題材,廣泛存在於各種文化和民間傳說中。以下是一些靈異故事的英文版本,供您參考:

1. The Ghost of a Hanged Man(被絞死的人的鬼魂)

In a small village, there was a man who was hanged for murder. His ghost was seen wandering around the village, often appearing at the spot where he was executed.

2. The Phantom Train(幽靈火車)

A young woman claimed to have seen a train moving through the night with no visible passengers or crew. She said that the train appeared and disappeared without explanation.

3. The Haunted House(鬧鬼的房子)

A house in a small town was said to be haunted by the spirits of several former residents. Visitors reported hearing footsteps, seeing shadowy figures, and feeling unexplained cold spots.

4. The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow Ghost(沉睡之地幽靈傳說)

A legend tells of a ghost that haunts a rural cemetery, appearing as a misty figure at midnight and leaving a chill in the air.

5. The Phantom Ship(幽靈船)

A ship was said to have been sighted sailing in the night with no visible crew or passengers. Some claimed to have heard voices and footsteps onboard, but no one could explain how the ship was moving on its own.

