

* Music is the wine of the soul.(音樂是靈魂的食糧。) - Jean Sibelius

* Music is the universal language of the soul.(音樂是靈魂的通用語言。) - Plato

* Music is the art of the possible. It brings us closer to our dreams.(音樂是藝術的手段。它讓我們更接近夢想。) - Liza Mayhew

* Music is the spirit that animates the soul of man.(音樂是精神,賦予人類靈魂以生命。) - William Shakespeare

* Music is the art that reconciles us to life.(音樂是藝術,它使我們能夠與生活和解。) - Leo Tolstoy

* Music is the expression of feeling, and of a kindred spirit. It is the most beautiful and direct of all forms of expression.(音樂是情感和心靈表達的藝術形式。它是所有表達形式中最美麗、最直接的。) - Ralph Waldo Emerson

