

Title: Typhoon

One day, the weather suddenly changed. It was cloudy and there was a strong wind outside. Suddenly, the teacher announced that there was a typhoon coming and everyone needed to prepare for it.

We hurriedly packed our bags with necessary items such as food, water, and a first aid kit. We also checked the weather forecast and saw that it was going to be very windy and rainy for the next few days.

During the typhoon, we were advised to stay indoors and keep away from windows and doors. We could hear the strong winds outside and see the rain pouring down. But we also had some fun activities such as watching movies and playing games to keep ourselves occupied.

In the end, the typhoon passed and everything returned to normal. We learned a valuable lesson from this experience: we should always be prepared for unexpected weather changes and follow safety instructions.

The experience taught us that we should be able to adapt to unexpected situations and make the best of them. The typhoon may have been unpleasant, but it taught us how to handle emergency situations and make the most of them.
