

1. "Never trust a man who says, 'I'm sorry, but I don't know.' for it implies he's sorry it has come to this. It's like he's already got his hand up your skirts."(永遠不要相信一個說「對不起,但是我不知道。」的人,因為這意味著他對這件事感到抱歉。這就像他已經把手放在你的裙子下面了。)

2. "There are no accidents in this life."

3. "There are no half measures with me, Inspector. You see, I'm a lady."

4. "Crime always brings out the worst in people."

5. "Oh, Inspector, don't look so distressed. After all, we do know the cause of it all: human fallibility."(哎呀,督察先生,您可別如此焦頭爛額啊。畢竟我們得承認人都會犯錯誤。)

6. "Perhaps if we knew more about him, about his past, his habits... Oh, I don't know. But I'm sure we could make a good guess."(如果我們知道更多關於他的事情,關於他的過去,他的習慣……好吧,我不知道。但我可以肯定,我們可以做出一個好猜測。)

