


1. beautiful scenery 美麗的風景

2. clear water 清亮的水

3. green leaves 綠葉

4. beautiful sunset 美麗的日落

5. clear sky 晴朗的天空

6. lovely children 可愛的小孩

7. lovely animals 可愛的動物

8. wonderful world 美妙的世界

9. lovely flowers 美麗的花朵

10. wonderful scenery 壯觀的風景


1. The sun was shining brightly, casting a golden light on the fields. 陽光燦爛,照耀著田野,給大地披上一層金色的光輝。

2. The mountains were covered in a thick layer of snow, making the scenery even more beautiful. 群山被厚厚的積雪覆蓋,使景色更加美麗。

3. The river flowed quietly, reflecting the blue sky and green trees on its surface. 河水靜靜地流淌,水面倒映著藍天和綠樹。

4. The children were laughing and playing in the park, making the most of the beautiful weather. 孩子們在公園裡歡笑嬉戲,盡情享受著美好的天氣。

5. The animals in the zoo were all very friendly, making the children feel very safe. 動物園裡的動物都很友好,讓孩子們感到非常安全。


1. As I walked along the river, I saw a group of birds flying overhead, singing joyfully. I felt a sense of peace and tranquility come over me.(描述一個人在河邊散步,看到一群鳥兒在空中飛翔,唱著歡快的歌曲,自己感到寧靜和平靜。)

2. The animals in the zoo were all very active, running around and playing with each other. It was a wonderful sight to see.(描述動物園裡的動物都很活躍,互相追逐玩耍,這是一幅美好的畫面。)

3. The sunset was breathtaking, with the sky turning a beautiful red and orange color, casting a glow over the entire landscape. It was a moment I will never forget.(描述日落的美景,天空變成美麗的紅色和橙色,給整個風景灑上一層光輝,這一刻我永遠不會忘記。)

4. The world is a wonderful place, full of beauty and adventure. I am so lucky to be able to experience it every day.(描述世界是一個美妙的地方,充滿了美麗和冒險,我很幸運能夠每天體驗它。)


My Favorite Place

There is a place that I love very much, and it is called "Nature's Paradise". It is located in a small village in the countryside, surrounded by beautiful mountains and clear rivers. When I am there, I feel like I am in a different world, far away from the hustle and bustle of city life. I love to walk along the river and watch the water flow by, listening to the birds singing and the rustling of the trees in the wind. It is a place of peace and tranquility, where I can forget all my troubles and just be myself. I hope to go back there again someday and experience its beauty once more.(我最喜歡的的地方)
