


1. 晨曦:早晨的陽光。

2. 俊秀:俊俏秀麗。

3. 蓬勃:生長得很茂盛。

4. 莞爾一笑:微笑的樣子。

5. 纖細:形容身體細長或(言語、歌聲等)婉轉悠長。

6. 紛至踏來:紛紛到來。

7. 冥思苦想:深沉地思索。

8. 玲瓏剔透:形容器物細緻,精巧有致。

9. 琴棋書畫:彈琴、弈棋、寫字、繪畫,常以表示個人的文化素養。

10. 風華正茂:風采和才華正盛。


1. The morning sun shines brightly through the window, casting a warm glow over the room.

2. She is a charming girl with delicate features and a charming smile that lights up the room.

3. Life is full of ups and downs, but it is the moments of happiness and joy that make it worthwhile.

4. Learning a new language is not an easy task, but with patience and practice, you can achieve success.

5. Growth is a gradual process, and it requires effort and dedication to make progress.

6. Wisdom comes with age, and with experience, we learn to appreciate the little things in life.

7. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to face it and still move forward.

8. Life is like a journey, and we all have our own maps to follow to reach our destination.

9. The key to success is not solely in the pursuit of material gains, but also in the development of one's character and spirit.

10. Friendship is a beautiful thing, and it is important to cherish the relationships we have with those who enrich our lives.


1. Today I woke up early and went for a walk in the park. The morning air was fresh and the sun was shining brightly. I saw many people out enjoying themselves, some playing sports, others taking a stroll with their families and friends. It was a beautiful day, and I felt happy just being alive.

2. Last night I had a dream about traveling to the moon. In my dream, I was standing on the surface of the moon, looking up at the stars and the vast expanse of space. It was an incredible experience, and it made me realize how small and insignificant we are in comparison to the vastness of the universe. However, it also gave me a sense of wonder and inspiration to explore the unknown corners of our planet and beyond.

3. Learning a new skill is always challenging, but it is also very rewarding. I recently started learning how to play the guitar, and it has been an interesting journey so far. Although it takes patience and practice, every time I play a simple tune, I feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. I hope to master this skill someday and play beautiful songs for my family and friends.
