

1. 高端的食材往往採用最樸素的烹飪方式。The best ingredients require simple cooking methods.

2. 無論路途多麼艱難,只要我們團結一致,就一定能克服。No matter how difficult the road may be, as long as we unite, we can overcome anything.

3. 科技的發展讓我們的生活變得更加便捷。The development of technology has made our lives more convenient.

4. 讀書使人充實,思考使人深邃,交談使人清醒。Reading makes people full, thinking makes people profound, and conversation makes people clear-headed.

5. 人生就像一場馬拉松,重要的不是終點,而是沿途的風景和陪伴你的人。Life is like a marathon, the important thing is not the destination, but the scenery along the way and the people who accompany you.

6. 我們要珍惜眼前的幸福,不要總是去追尋那個飄渺的夢想。We should cherish the happiness in front of us, and not always pursue the elusive dream.

7. 科技的發展讓我們在享受便利的同時,也需要注意網路安全。The development of technology has made us enjoy convenience, but we also need to pay attention to network security.

