

1. 人生就像滑雪,最重要的是保持平衡。(原句是"Life is like skiing, the most important thing is maintaining balance.")

2. 不要害怕失敗,因為每一次失敗都是通向成功的一步。(Don't be afraid of failure, because every failure is a step towards success.)

3. 只有你能決定你的未來。(Only you can decide your future.)

4. 真正的英雄,不是從不失敗的人,而是從失敗中站起來的人。(A real hero is not someone who never fails, but someone who gets up and keeps going after failure.)

5. 只有你自己才能找到自己的答案。(Only you can find the answer to yourself.)

6. 有些事情,只有你才能做到。(Some things only you can do.)

7. 如果你相信奇蹟,那麼奇蹟就會發生。(If you believe in a miracle, a miracle will happen.)

8. 人生就像一場旅行,重要的不是目的地,而是沿途的風景和經歷。(Life is like a journey, the important thing is not the destination, but the scenery and experiences along the way.)

9. 你的勇氣,就是你最強大的武器。(Your courage is your strongest weapon.)

10. 每個人都有自己的路要走,沒有人可以替你決定。(Everyone has their own path to follow, no one can decide for you.)

