

1. "Work hard, for the future you will be glad you did."(努力工作,因為將來你會慶幸自己努力過。)

2. "Your efforts will not be in vain."(你的努力不會白費。)

3. "Nothing is impossible, as long as you are willing to work hard."(只要你想,沒有什麼是不可能的。)

4. "Success is not a goal, but a journey."(成功不是目標,而是一種旅程。)

5. "Your work will not only benefit you, but also those around you."(你的工作不僅會讓你自己受益,也會讓周圍的人受益。)

6. "You have what it takes, so use it."(你有能力,所以使用它。)

7. "Perseverance brings success."(堅持不懈就是成功。)

8. "Success is not a finish line, but a continuous journey."(成功不是終點,而是一個持續的旅程。)

9. "Your work will shape your future."(你的工作將塑造你的未來。)

10. "Never give up, never surrender."(永不放棄,永不言敗。)

