1. "新年快樂,萬事如意!"
Happy New Year, all the best!
2. "新的一年,新的開始,祝福你一切都好!"
A new beginning, a new year, all the best for you!
3. "新年到,福氣到,祝你心想事成!"
Happy New Year! May your wishes come true!
4. "新年到,祝福你,事事如意,笑口常開!"
Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best and a smile on your face!
5. "新年到,喜氣洋洋,祝你新年快樂,萬事如意!"
Happy New Year! Wishing you happiness and all the best in the new year!
6. "新的一年,新的征程,祝福你前程似錦!"
A new year, a new journey, wishing you all the best in the future!
7. "新年到,祝福你,幸福安康,笑口常開!"
Happy New Year! Wishing you happiness, health and a smile on your face!
8. "新的一年,新的夢想,祝福你美夢成真!"
A new year, new dreams, wishing you all the best in realizing them!
9. "新年到,祈福你,生活美滿,萬事如意!"
Happy New Year! May your life be filled with happiness and all the best in everything!
10. "新年到,喜氣洋洋,祝你一年到頭快樂無憂!"
Happy New Year! Wishing you joy and happiness all year round!