

1. 孝感動天 - Filial Piety Moves Heaven

2. 湧泉躍鯉 - Fountain Jumping Quail

3. 聞雷泣墓 - Hearing Thunder at the Tomb

4. 望雲思親 - Looking at the Clouds Thinking of My Parents

5. 彩衣娛親 - Colorful Clothes to Amuse My Parents

6. 臥冰求鯉 - Lying on the Ice to Get a Fish for My Parents

7. 老萊娛親 - Lao Lai Amusing Parents

8. 郭巨埋兒 - Guo Jue Buries His Son for Food to Feed His Parents

9. 賣身葬父 - Sell Myself to Burial of My Father

10. 扇枕溫席 - Fan枕頭溫席

11. 湧泉躍鯉- Fountain Quail

12. 拾葚養親- Pick up Boiled Beans to Feed Your Parents

13. 聞雷泣墓- Hearing Thunder at the Tomb, Incense on the Grave

14. 哭竹生筍- Weeping Bamboo Shoots

15. 臥冰求鯉- Lying on the Ice to Get a Fish

