

1. 祝你生日快樂! - Happy Birthday to You!

2. 生日快樂,願你一切安好! - Happy Birthday and Good Luck in everything!

3. 願你的生日充滿無窮快樂! - May your birthday be filled with endless joy!

4. 願你的生日充滿溫馨的祝福! - May your birthday be filled with warm wishes!

5. 願你的生日充滿愛和幸福! - May your birthday be filled with love and happiness!

6. 祝你越長越可愛,越過越幸福! - Happy Birthday and May you Grow Up Cute and Happy!

7. 生日快樂,願你的未來更加美好! - Happy Birthday and May Your Future Be Even Better!

8. 祝你今天快樂,明天更快樂! - Happy Birthday Today and Even More Happiness Tomorrow!

