Before sunrise台詞中英
以下是《Before Sunrise》的台詞的中英對照:
- "You look great today."
- "你今天看上去很棒。"
- "So, do you travel around a lot?"
- "那你平時到處旅行嗎?"
- "How far is Europe from here?"
- "歐洲離這裡有多遠?"
- "Why did you choose this moment to come with me?"
- "你為什麼選擇這個時刻和我一起?"
- "Where are we going?"
- "我們要去哪裡?"
- "Are you lonely?"
- "你孤單嗎?"
- "So, what do you want to do now?"
- "那你現在想做什麼?"
- "It's still very early."
- "現在還早。"
- "So what if it is? We have all night."
- 「那是為什麼呢?我們一晚上都來得及。」
以上就是《Before Sunrise》的部分台詞,希望對您有所幫助。
以上就是【Before sunrise台詞中英】的相關內容,敬請閱讀。