Board game名言

與board game相關的名言較多,如下:

1. 「玩紙牌的人,十有八九頭腦遲鈍。反之,以智取勝則是提高人的聰明智慧的最簡便易行的方法。」——范風鳴

2. 「One boy is playing chess and I ask him, 『How are you going to earn more money?』 And he says, 『By learning chess.』」

3. 「the art of the game is to have one's mind at peace in a world that is full of disorder and turmoil.」

關於board game的名言警句還有:「Chess is a game of patience, in which one strives for the conversion of advantage into victory.」以上內容僅供參考,建議到相關名言警句網站獲取更多信息。

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