Darth vader語錄

以下是部分Darth Vader的語錄:

1. "I have been waiting so long to finally face you."(我等待這一刻已經等了很久。)

2. "You're just a child playing with toys. I'm the real thing."(你只是個玩樂的孩童,而我才是真正的大人。)

3. "Fear is the path to the dark side. You'll only lose what little redemption you have left."(恐懼是通往黑暗面的道路,你只會失去你剩下為數不多的救贖。)

4. "Obi-Wan was wise. He taught me well."(奧比王很聰明,他把我教得很好。)

5. "I have been waiting for you, Luke."(我一直在等你,盧克。)

6. "You're going to learn the ways of the Force."(你將學習原力的方式。)

7. "Ironic, isn't it? To think that this was once my homeworld."(諷刺的是,想當初這曾是我的故鄉。)


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