
DMC5(Devil May Cry 5)的台詞如下:

1. 「不要小看黑暗,也不要沉醉於光明。」(「Don't dismiss the dark, and don't indulge in the light.」)

2. 「那就揮舞我的刀刃吧,無論何時何地。」(「Then wield my blade whenever and wherever.」)

3. 「不要逃避,不要後悔,因為這是你的命運。」(「Do not run away, do not regret, for this is your fate.」)

4. 「你能感受到我嗎?這股黑暗的意志。」(「Can you feel me? This will of darkness.」)

5. 「你已經超越了人類,但還有很長的路要走。」(「You have surpassed humanity, but there is still a long way to go.」)

6. 「用你的劍,守護你的心。」(「Guard your heart with your blade.」)

7. 「無論何時何地,我都會與你同行。」(「I will walk with you wherever and whenever.」)

8. 「戰鬥吧!為了生存!」(「Fight! To survive!」)

