Good will佳句
以下是good will的一些佳句:
1. 「Good will toward men is the奇蹟 of a great soul.」 - Ralph Waldo Emerson
2. 「Goodwill is the first step to a harmonious society.」 - Confucius
3. 「A kind word goes a long way, especially in times of adversity.」 - Unknown
4. 「We all have the potential to be kind and generous, it』s just a matter of realizing it and acting upon it.」 - Jennifer Bisset
5. 「Spread kindness like a goodwill towards others and happiness will follow.」 - unknown
6. 「We can change the world, one goodwill act at a time.」 - Charlotte Mason
7. 「I am willing to make a small sacrifice to show goodwill.」 - Proverb
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