Grey's anatomy台詞


* 「我們在醫學裏沒有一成不變。」(We don't have a constant in medicine.)

* 「我們都在學習,格蕾。」(We're all learning, Grey.)

* 「你總是找到方法讓我為你感動。」(You always find a way to impress me.)

* 「我們都是人,我們都會犯錯。」(We're all human and we all make mistakes.)

* 「死亡總是令人難受,但我們不能因此而迴避它。」(Death is always hard, but we can't avoid it just because it's uncomfortable.)

* 「無論我們的過去有多糟糕,我們都有能力改變它。」(No matter how bad our pasts are, we all have the ability to change it.)

* 「我們總是讓病人失望,我們總是讓他們無助。」(We always let the patients down, we always make them feel helpless.)


以上就是【Grey's anatomy台詞】的相關內容,敬請閱讀。