


1. 開頭句型:

* 提出問題:What is the problem with...?

* 解釋問題:When we look at the issue of..., it becomes clear that...

* 對比觀點:When we look at the issue from both sides, it becomes apparent that...

2. 主體部分:

* 提出正面觀點:There are several reasons why I agree with this view.

* 提出反面觀點:There are several reasons why I disagree with this view.

* 舉例說明:One example of this is...

* 對比分析:On the one hand, there are positive aspects to..., but on the other hand, there are negative aspects too.


1. 開頭句型:

* 給出主題和基本特點:A typical example is...

* 以一個具體場景開頭:When you..., you will realize the importance of...

2. 主體部分:

* 描述事物外觀:Its appearance is... The colors are...

* 描述事物功能:Its function is to... It can also...

* 舉例說明功能:For example, you can use it to...

* 描述事物優缺點:One disadvantage is that... But there are also some advantages too.

