Jane goodall名言
以下是一些與Jane Goodall相關的名言:
1. "Every baby elephant is a symbol of hope for the future."
2. "A changing world is an opportunity to renew."
3. "Nature is a teacher, it will never let us down."
4. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world."
5. "In a time of fear, there is a power that resides within each one of us to bring forth beauty and truth and goodness."
6. "Be curious and have the courage to change."
7. "Be patient, keep trying, never give up on what you really want to do."
這些名言都強調了變革、勇氣、好奇心、耐心和責任的重要性,這些價值觀與Jane Goodall的研究工作和倡導工作緊密相連。
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