Jim morrison名言
Jim Morrison的名言如下:
1. "Believe it or not, the future ain't guaranteed."
2. "We're all on a little island and all alone, waiting for the sky to fall."
3. "We are in a world of dreams, caught in a trance, living in a dream."
4. "We are stardust, lost in the froth of endless space."
5. "Let's have a bit of fun before we all go crazy."
6. "Death is just a part of life, something we've been warned about since birth."
7. "Don't fight the urge, there's no use crying about it after it's over."
以上所有內容,都出自Jim Morrison的歌詞創作。這些歌詞通常包含著哲學、人性、人生觀、生死觀等內容。以上僅為部分名言,建議查閱相關資料獲取更多名言。
以上就是【Jim morrison名言】的相關內容,敬請閱讀。