

1. 人生的魅力在於瘋狂。(What makes life worth living is its unpredictability.)

2. 熱情的人在不幸中不會敗下來,千方百計地戰鬥的人一定會勝利。(The enthusiastic man doesn't fall in adversity, and the man who fights tenaciously will surely win.)

3. 有些人無論你做什麼,都會無視你,那他們就是不理解你的人,不如拋開他們去努力吧。(Some people will ignore you no matter what you do, and they are just people who don't understand you. Why not throw off their negativity and work hard?)

4. 就算這世界要把我逼向絕望,我仍然相信這個世界,並且熱愛它。(Even if the world forces me to despair, I still believe in it and love it.)

5. 我並不是天生要強,我只是選擇了堅強。(I'm not naturally strong, I just choose to be strong.)

6. 我選擇做善良的人,因為即使別人不知道,我也不會傷害他們。(I choose to be kind because even if others don't know, I won't hurt them.)

7. 不要害怕失敗,因為沒有人不會失敗,但失敗並不是結束,而是成功的新開始。(Don't be afraid of failure because no one gets through life without failing, and failure is not the end, but rather a new beginning of success.)

8. 人生只有一次,為何不過得有趣些呢?(You only live once, so why not live it interesting?)

