Jost am i am詩歌


Jost Am I Am

Jost am I am, lost in this world

Searching for my own way, wandering alone

Through the endless nights and days

With no clear destination in sight

Yet I keep moving forward, never giving up

Because I know that there is something waiting for me

Somewhere out there in this vast universe

Am I Am, the flame of my spirit

A spark that never fades, a fire that never dies

In the face of challenges and trials

I will never give in, never let go

Because I believe that I am worth fighting for

Am I Am, the essence of my being

A force that cannot be denied, a power that cannot be stopped

In the midst of the storm and the rain

I will hold on tight to my dreams and ideals

And strive towards my goals with unwavering determination

Because I know that only I can make my dreams come true

Am I Am, the story of my life

A journey that is filled with ups and downs, with joys and sorrows

But I will never let go of my spirit, never give up on myself

Because I know that life is about overcoming obstacles, about finding strength within

Am I Am, forever and ever

The flame that burns bright within me, the force that never fades

In this world, I am my own hero, my own champion

Am I Am, forever and ever.

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