

1. 你可以在任何時間放棄,但任何時間都不要放棄籃球。

You can give up anytime, but never give up on basketball.

2. 我想做我應該做的事情,而不是別人希望我做什麼。

I want to do what I should do, not what others hope I will do.

3. 當我寫下每一行代碼時,我都會試圖理解它,因為當我死去時,我無法理解我曾經寫下的代碼。

When I write each line of code, I try to understand it, because when I die, I will not be able to understand the code I once wrote.

4. 籃球就是我的生命。

Basketball is my life.

5. 如果你熱愛自己的工作,即使沒有人強迫你,你也會做好它。

If you love your job, you will do it even if no one forces you to do it.

6. 當你成功的時候,你說的所有話都是真理。

When you succeed, all the words you say are truth.

7. 籃球不僅僅是我的工作,它也是我生命的一部分。

Basketball is not only my job, it is also a part of my life.

8. 我總是全力以赴,即使在我看不到的地方,我的心靈仍然陪伴著我的籃球。

I always give my best, even when I cannot see it, my spirit still accompanies my basketball.

