Margaret hilda thatcher名言

以下是Margaret Hilda Thatcher的名言:

1. 「You have to put up a brick at a time and keep building the wall higher and higher until they can see the wall is coming down and can do nothing but come with you.」(你需要一塊一塊地砌磚,一直建牆,直到他們看到牆在倒,無能為力只好和你一起走。)

2. 「There is no limit to what we can achieve if we work together, men and women, as one people, in a country at peace with itself and with the rest of the world.」(只要男女共同努力,團結一心,我們就能無所不能。在這個國家,我們和世界其他地區和平相處。)


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